Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The journey continues.....

Well, looks like i'm going to be hired to drive for May Trucking, based out of Brooks, Oregon.  Probably will start next week, operating as a solo company driver (won't repeat THAT same mistake).  Waiting for the paperwork to be processed before it's official.

Territory will be 11 western states, so home time will be far more frequent.  That's a high priority, as i want to be sure to see the girls as often as possible.

Very strange being back in Salem.  Everything seems so different -- i suppose because i am a different person than i was when i left.  So much has happened, good and bad.  Looking forward to connecting with the people who really count.  Don't really care about those who don't.  And that list is pretty well defined now.

I guess i wouldn't be true to the spirit of this blog if i didn't record that it appears the divorce was made official earlier this week.  Time for a new beginning.  Truly wishing good things for all concerned.

Doing a few odds and ends projects for the folks while i wait for the new job to begin.

Thanks to everyone for their support.

Stay safe....


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