Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A little introspection....

Drove through the Nevada desert today, but on Highway 93, one of the "backroads".  A gorgeous drive and we hardly saw a single vehicle for well over 100 miles.  Drove nearly 600 miles today -- from Salt Lake City to Wendover, UT, turning left on Highway 93 down through Caliente, NV and ended it about 10 miles shy of Las Vegas.

Nothing unusual happened today, but i did spend time reflecting on some of the internal changes i have experienced over the past two months:

1. The girls are the most important thing in my life, and i need to do a better job of communicating that to them by spending time with them.  I have not set good examples in a number of areas and i intend to improve there -- to make sure i have earned their trust, their faith and their love.  Grace and Abby are real treasures and i don't have a lot of time to spend with them before they're gone.  I don't intend to waste future opportunities.

2. I don't rely on the opinions of others as i used to do.  Previously, it was very important to me what people thought and whether they approved of my actions/decisions.  Now, for whatever reason, that is just not important to me anymore.  Of course, it's still nice to have approval, but it's not a driving need like before. I am comfortable with who  i am and i am comfortable living with the consequences of  my decisions and actions.  Even when the consequences are painful.  That's where the growth occurs.  And boy, have i been growing.

3. I like myself and who i am.  I could not say that three months ago.  Again, i don't know why this has changed, but it has -- and in the midst of some things where i could be (and am) very critical of myself and regretful.  I think being consistent with taking medication has certainly played a role.  But there are other factors too, that i cannot currently pinpoint.  I think it has something to do with appreciating that i am being true to myself with respect to my career and my life and not "playing a role" that was not me. I think it was hard to respect myself when i was doing something that did not fit, and knowing i was doing something i did not like.

4. I don't feel the need to be "the best", but am ok being just average. Ever since i was little, there has been an unreasonable urge in me to be the "best" at something.  I say unreasonable because i never put the time or effort into any activity to BE the best.   Maybe it was really more a powerful desire to achieve and be doing something impressive to others (see point number 2).  The weird part is that i would then get frustrated with a lack of what i thought was "enough" achievement, even though i didn't invest the energy to earn it in the first place.  Anyway, that vicious circle is no longer operational in my life and i feel a great sense of freedom because of it.  And again, i really can't tell you what changed.  I'm going to have to keep thinking about that one for a future blog.  But here i am, just a truck driver hauling produce around the country, and i couldn't be happier doing it.

5. I feel the need to really connect with people on a personal level, rather than the fairly superficial, glad-handing interpersonal method i previously employed.  I guess when you're just in your head for 12 hours at a time you begin to appreciate quality time with another human being, rather than taking it for granted.

Anyway, just a few of the things i've been thinking about lately.

Stay safe everyone......  Don't forget to carry chains.  But leave the whips at home.


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