Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 12 -- Storms never last....

It has come to my attention that my loyal few readers have been concerned about my fate as a result of having a run-in with my jerk of a drive instructor, who i call Sgt. Carter (left), and were further worried when i failed to post on the blog yesterday.  Thanks for the concern!  And I'm pleased to report that the relationship with Sgt. Carter appears to have been mended.

After our VERY rocky first day together, we have had no further trouble and the relationship is now actually pretty good.  I won't say that he's my favorite person, but at least we are communicating in a civil manner and even joking a little bit.  He still tends to be a little excitable and loud in his drill sergeant manner, which can be read as thoroughly obnoxious if you let it.  However, i have decided to have a sense of humor towards him, which seems to be working.

My other three truck mates are now having more difficulty than i, but they are not taking a light-hearted approach to the man.  I've also continued to try as hard as i can to do well and have started to figure out what he likes to see in his students (e.g., constant communication about road hazards and calling out things you do wrong before he does).  Seems to be working like a charm.

He's even taken to telling really bad jokes:  What happened to the dyslexic satan worshipper?   He sold his soul to Santa.

Groan.  And he has a million of 'em....hah cha cha!

Tomorrow is our last day in the truck with our drive instructor, and even though Sgt. Carter and i are communicating better, i still will be glad to get off his truck (photo right).  Friday is our driving test with a different instructor.  If we pass our driving test we are hired Monday as full employees of CR England.  Really hoping i do as well as i think i can on Friday....

Because in the midst of all the drama, we have actually been DRIVING AN 18-WHEELER!  I've taken it out on the highways surrounding Salt Lake City, including merging with traffic, taking city corners and other maneuvers that i would not have predicted i could do three weeks ago.  It's a little overwhelming when i think about it, but it's pretty straight forward when you learn how to do  it.   The biggest trick is to go slow and be deliberate about every single thing you do in the truck.  We're the professional drivers (almost), so we need to be the ones watching out for everyone else, even when another driver is being a horse's ass.  

One part that has been fun is that our class is getting to know each other better and we are becoming friends. The other three guys on my truck are all black guys from the south.  I have to admit, it has taken me a little bit to get so that i understand what they are saying the first time they say it.  We're having a ball, and they are absolutely great guys.  We also have a bit of the "us against him" thing going on ....  All three of them have driven trucks before, so i'm the real rookie on our rig.

Warm thoughts to everyone back home.

Stay safe....



  1. Hi ken--enjoy reading your blog

  2. Thank goodness your ok, I was worried...don't let a day go without blogging or I'll think you crashed or Sgt Carter fired you....


  3. Yee Haw! Sounds like you are doing better. Now if I could just get Ralph off to Alaska to work sucessfully....
