Thursday, June 9, 2011

Who would win....

Steve's wisdom:

Who would win between an elephant and a rhino?  The elephant.

Who would win between a tiger and a lion?  The lion.

Why won't he eat McDonald's french fries?  Because they are cooked in whale grease....

Stay safe....



  1. I guess I didn't realize McDonalds was buying their cooking "grease" from Japanese Whaling Vessels!!! I think you are in the throws of a GOOBER!!!!!!

  2. Man, I wish that they were cooked in whale grease! Imagine how good they would taste~

    I think that he is wrong on each of those three! I assume that the win means in a physical battle, not at cards or something. 'Cause while a Tiger would kick a lion's backside in a battle, they may not be as dominant in a poker game.
